Awakened Heart Yoga and Meditation will be offering the following courses:
Meditation for Beginners
Our beginner’s class explores several meditative techniques to get in touch with our inner Awakened Heart. We use the breath, mantra, and visualizations as tools for developing our practice. Our classes are now offered only on Zoom. Please call Robert at 352-359-3910 for details.
Intermediate Meditation
Our Intermediate Meditation course explores meditation techniques from the yogic scripture Vijnana Bhairava and includes sessions on mindfulness and Vipassana. It is for those who already have a foundation in meditation. It is offered to individuals or small groups on Zoom. Please call Robert at 352-35-3910 for details.
Walking the Spiritual Path
In “Walking the Spiritual Path,” we use the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali as a guidebook to explore and practice the many elements of the spiritual path: non-violence and truthfulness, meditation and samadhi, surrender to the Divine within. This course is offered to those who have a sincere desire to grow spiritually.
Scriptural Studies in Yoga Philosophy
We will be offering courses in several key scriptures of the Indian yoga tradition: the Bhagavad Gita, the Siva Sutras, the Pratyabhijna Hridayam, the Vijnana Bhairava, the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, and others. Along with studying the theory behind these works, we will engage in practices that bring these sutras to life.
I am offering a Zoom course on Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras through the Deep Spring Center’s website, which started this January and will run through May. The sessions will be on alternate Thursday evenings, from 7:00 – 8:30 pm. A fall session will run from September through December. The course includes dharma talks, guided meditations, questions and answers, and chanting. You can register at the Deep Spring website.
If you would like too arrange personal instruction or a group course through Zoom, please call me at 352-359-3910 for more information.
You can also contact me about your interest in a course on the Contact page. Please indicate which course you are interested in and if you prefer private or group instruction. I will respond through email or phone and we will arrange a schedule.