Awakened Heart Yoga & Meditation

With Robert Jacobs

Yoga is an ancient spiritual path that enables us to experience the Divine essence at the core of our beings. The primary practice of yoga is meditation.

People meditate and practice mindfulness to relax and alleviate the stress of their hectic lives. But when we meditate, we do more than relieve stress. We connect to the deepest part of ourselves that is beyond our desires and anxieties, our inner Witness. From this space, we deal more consciously with the many exigencies of modern life.

Meditation takes us directly into the Awareness at the root of our consciousness. When we touch this inner center, something magical happens within us. We call this path Awakened Heart Yoga and Meditation because, in reaching our inner center of Awareness, we become awakened to the love, wisdom, and joy that is our essential nature. Practicing meditation and mindfulness is the best way to experience our inner center, our divine heart.

Awakened Heart Yoga and Meditation offers courses on meditation, walking the spiritual path, and yogic scriptures such as Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. Courses are on Zoom and in person in either individual or group sessions. The purpose of our courses is to allow you to become confident and proficient in your meditation and to experience the wisdom and joy of your awakened hearts.

If you are interested in taking a course or learning meditation, please call me at 352-359-3910.


Robert Jacobs has been practicing meditation and yoga for the past 50 years. His first spiritual teacher was the Chilean master Oscar Ichazo, who established the Arica School in the late 1960s. Robert went through several Arica trainings through a two- year period in the early 1970s. He then went on to meet two Spiritual Masters from the Indian tradition and lived in yoga ashrams for 18 years, in India and the United States.

In the 1980s, he managed a residential ashram in Washington DC. Through his ashram years, Robert studied in depth the essential scriptures of the Indian yoga tradition and learned them in conjunction with his practices. His teachings are not hypothetical. They are a practical means to achieve a direct experience of the one Truth within.


Meditation for Beginners

Our beginners’ class explores several meditation techniques to get in touch with our awakened heart. We use Robert’s book “Path to the Awakened Heart: the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali” as a reference for the course. It is offered on Zoom and in person.

For more advanced meditators, we offer courses that delve more deeply into the practice of meditation and walking the spiritual path. The courses are designed according to the needs of the student.

You can contact me about your interest in a course on the Contact page or call me at 352-359-3910.


There are no set fees for our courses. Rather we encourage each person to offer dana, a donation for the teachings received. The recommended donation is $50.00 per session. In the Indian tradition, one who receives spiritual teachings always offers something in return in accordance with what he or she can afford.

You can offer dana on the Contact page.

Books And Publications

Together the author’s two books offer a profound picture of how Eastern spirituality has developed and transformed in the past 70 years within a Western context.

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